Custom Calendar Printing Australia - FAQs
Can I see instant prices for calendar printing?
Why do you need 5mm for calendars and only 3mm on other products?
As pages in a calendars wrap around each other the inner pages will be slightly smaller than outer pages. We allow for this creep in pre-production, however having the full 5mm bleed is an extra level of safety when calendars are trimmed. We want to ensure no non printed areas are left on your calendars once trimmed.
What is the difference between self cover and plus cover calendars?
Self cover is when the paper weight is the same throughout the entire calendars ie the cover is the same weight paper as the text pages. Plus cover means an extra thicker 4 pages (1 sheet of paper folded) is added to the text pages. Self cover calendars are cheaper as they can all be done in one print run and thinner covers do not requiring scoring prior to binding.
What is a square edge on a saddle stitch calendars?
Often saddle stitch calendars do not have a spine, all pages are folded to a single point and are stapled. This is fine for thin calendars however, for thicker booklets it means the bulge and do not sit flat once bound. Square edge fold is when a mini spine is created by adding two score lines and stapling in the middle. This allows saddle stitch calendars to sit flat similar to a perfect bound book but without the need for glue.
Why are there only page number options that are divisible by 4 on your website?
For saddle stitch calendars every piece of paper once folded and stapled creates 4 pages. It is therefore only possible to make calendars pages a division of 4. Calendars need to have 28 pages in total including the front and back covers.
Does number of pages include front and back of a sheet of paper?
Every side of a piece of paper is considered a page. For example a single sheet of paper for a flyer if printed front and back is described as 2 pages. If a piece of paper if folded in half for example a brochure folded from A4 to A5 this is then described as 4 pages as it has a front and back and two internal sections once folded. If a brochure is folded twice for example an A4 fold to DL this is described as a 6 page DL as the folding created 6 DL sections, 3 on the front and 3 on the back of the sheet of paper. For calendars every sheet of paper once folded and stapled creates 4 pages. For example as 28 page self cover calendars is 7 sheets of paper, folded and stapled.
Can I get a sample of the papers you offer?
Absolutely, we have a recycled paper sample pack that contains every paper we have listed on this website. Sample packs costs $10, however this is refunded when you place an order. Request a pack from here:
Absolutely! See instant calendar printing prices on our website:
Standard Stapled Calendars:
Wire Bound Calendars:
How do I supply Artwork for calendars?
For saddle stitch calendars please supply just one PDF file from cover to back cover.
Please output PDF files in single page format rather than spreads.
Please include 5mm bleed and crop lines. For more details on bleed and
crop lines download our artwork specifications here:
Can I use Canva to design my calendars?
Yes, Canva is a great online design tool. You can design your calendars in Canva and then export as a Press PDF and upload it on our website. To see full details of how to design calendars in Canva, download our artwork specifications here:
Yes, Canva is a great online design tool. You can design your calendars in Canva and then export as a Press PDF and upload it on our website. To see full details of how to design calendars in Canva, download our artwork specifications here:
Why do you need 5mm for calendars and only 3mm on other products?
As pages in a calendars wrap around each other the inner pages will be slightly smaller than outer pages. We allow for this creep in pre-production, however having the full 5mm bleed is an extra level of safety when calendars are trimmed. We want to ensure no non printed areas are left on your calendars once trimmed.
What is the difference between self cover and plus cover calendars?
Self cover is when the paper weight is the same throughout the entire calendars ie the cover is the same weight paper as the text pages. Plus cover means an extra thicker 4 pages (1 sheet of paper folded) is added to the text pages. Self cover calendars are cheaper as they can all be done in one print run and thinner covers do not requiring scoring prior to binding.
What is a square edge on a saddle stitch calendars?
Often saddle stitch calendars do not have a spine, all pages are folded to a single point and are stapled. This is fine for thin calendars however, for thicker booklets it means the bulge and do not sit flat once bound. Square edge fold is when a mini spine is created by adding two score lines and stapling in the middle. This allows saddle stitch calendars to sit flat similar to a perfect bound book but without the need for glue.
Why are there only page number options that are divisible by 4 on your website?
For saddle stitch calendars every piece of paper once folded and stapled creates 4 pages. It is therefore only possible to make calendars pages a division of 4. Calendars need to have 28 pages in total including the front and back covers.
Does number of pages include front and back of a sheet of paper?
Every side of a piece of paper is considered a page. For example a single sheet of paper for a flyer if printed front and back is described as 2 pages. If a piece of paper if folded in half for example a brochure folded from A4 to A5 this is then described as 4 pages as it has a front and back and two internal sections once folded. If a brochure is folded twice for example an A4 fold to DL this is described as a 6 page DL as the folding created 6 DL sections, 3 on the front and 3 on the back of the sheet of paper. For calendars every sheet of paper once folded and stapled creates 4 pages. For example as 28 page self cover calendars is 7 sheets of paper, folded and stapled.
Can I get a sample of the papers you offer?
Absolutely, we have a recycled paper sample pack that contains every paper we have listed on this website. Sample packs costs $10, however this is refunded when you place an order. Request a pack from here: