Don't Palm Us Off - palm oil and its effect on our world

Did you know that in Southeast Asia the equivalent of 300 footballs are deforested every hour by the palm oil production industry? Or that palm oil development is the single biggest contributor to deforestation in Indonesia, which is threatening native orangutans with extinction?
You may not be aware that even tough palm oil production is linked to the death of up to 50 orangutans every week, nearly 40 per cent of the food you find on the shelves at your local supermarket contains palm oil.
These harsh and startling statistics come from Zoos Victoria and are part of the reason they launched the Don't Palm Us Off campaign. The movement is aimed at raising awareness among the general public about the palm oil crisis, with the ultimate goal of ensuring that all Australian manufacturers use only 100 per cent Certified Sustainable Palm Oil (CSPO).
As a printing company we're well aware of the scourge of deforestation and eco-friendly production methods are at the very core of our business, so this is a movement we can really get behind. We printed Don't Palm Us Off postcards for Melbourne Zoo, which were used to encourage visitors and customers to get involved in the campaign and put pressure on manufacturers to use CSPO.
The brightly-coloured cards feature a cute orangutan and the slogan, 'I want the choice' on one side, and a petition on the other that implores manufacturers to label their products 100 per cent CSPO. They were printed on our 100 per cent post-consumer recycled 350gsm EcoStar paper using environmentally friendly printing techniques and vegetable based inks.
If you want to give the 'King of the Swingers' a helping hand, head on over to the campaign's 'Zoopermarket,' where you can see if your favourite brands are still getting up to monkey business when sourcing palm oil or if they're committed to protecting the orangutan's habitat.
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